
Vimperator is a Firefox browser extension with strong inspiration from the Vim text editor, with a mind towards faster and more efficient browsing. It has similar key bindings and you could call it a modal web browser, as key bindings differ according to which mode...
xmonad: a tiling window manager

xmonad: a tiling window manager

Have you ever felt that it is just annoying to use your mouse with a notebook? or that resizing manually windows as you need to see more? If yes Xmonad is for you. It is based on haskell. It was quite easy to implement and replace metacity under gnome. It is not so...

Redmine 0.9.3

After upgrading couple of new plug-ins are installed. Here is a basic start up script for gentoo $!/sbin/runscript depend() { need net } start() { ebegin “Starting redmine” start-stop-daemon –start –make-pidfile –chuid apache:apache...

Installing Redmine on ‘Gentoo’

Install all required packages for redmine server ~ $ emerge dev-ruby/rubygems install ruby on rails version required by redmine H Install the preferred database server/client MySQL/PostgreSQL server ~ $ emerge postgresql Configure and create the database for redmine...